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A. W. Tozer Books > Reclaiming Christianity: A Call to Authentic Faith
Reclaiming Christianity: A Call to Authentic Faith

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Prod. Code: T-Words

Until the day he died, A. W. Tozer never deviated from exhorting the Church to walk like those who truly belong to the kingdom of God. Although he never softened his censure of what he called "churchianity" built around showmanship, he believed the Church was ripe for reformation, and he longed to see its return to the Holy Spirit-filled, humble, loving fellowship that typified the Early Church.

If you have ever wondered why the Church has little influence in the world today, and, equally, how your life could more closely reflect the powerful witness that characterized the early Christians, Tozer's flinty and uncompromising words will remind you of what is missing and challenge you to shun what is superficial so that you can walk toward authentic faith.